MB departed flight QR 838 from Doha into Incheon airport concourse, the international airport of Seoul, capital of S Korea. MB was traveling light, just a carry-on bag for his mini-Korea trip to visit daughter MB2.
MB walked immediately into the arrivals hall.
“Hello Sir. Taxi?” said a local gentleman with an aging face and greying hair, eyeballing MB. “Yes, thanks”, replied MB, and soon a deal was struck between MB and taxi driver/owner Mr Kim. Mr Kim suggested avoiding Seoul central train station, as murderous traffic would be encountered during the rush hour that was now upon them. Like MB2, Mr Kim’s daughter had also attended Busan university in the south coast, and Mr Kim suggested MB’s destination should be the first station stop on the Seoul – Busan line, a rural town some 45 mins away. Mr Kim was good company with a GSOH. Mr Kim taught MB some Korean phrases so MB can now say ‘excuse me’ when he sneezes or ‘sorry’ if he steps on your toe.
MB arrived at the rural station, bought his train ticket for Busan, and took a very careful look around to see if any of MB’s fellow passengers had any zombi-like characteristics. Nothing was evident to MB except for two sizeable Americans who had red staining around their mouths. MB quickly deduced however, Poirot-like, that the red staining had it’s origins in the tomato sauce dripping from the large beef burgers that both were in the process of consuming. Safe enough thought MB, as he planked his ass on seat 13A of Carriage #6.
The Korean countryside and towns flew by in evening twilight and finally in Korean dark-of-night as Busan got closer. MB did not allow his eyes to shut of course, due to the very real and present zombie threat, even though the previous 8 hour flight from Doha had taken it’s tole on the body and brain of MB.
Busan finally approached. MB had somehow avoided the potential zombie nightmare, and had made it safely to the south east tip of S Korea. MB grabbed his bag, gave a quick tip of his hat and a few silent words of thanks to St Patrick who taken MB safely thus far, alighted the Train to Busan, and found MB2.
Let’s grab some food and a beer, said MB2. Was there ever a more perfect daughter?, thought MB.
And so they did.